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I have helped many men and women to increase their muscle mass or to lose body fat by adapting their food intake and their training accordingly, without both areas being in place, results are hard to achieve.

I work with varying Transformation targets, mainly for Fat Loss. Last year my clients lost over a collective 300kg in Body Fat by combining my Fat Loss Nutrition plans and Fat Loss Training plans. Many people have found online success with these plans, such as Aniko, as have those who I have dealt with on a 1 to 1 basis, such as Sophia. (Both shown below)

Before and After of Sophia, who joined my transformation programme to lose the weight that she had gained during her two pregnancies. She has lost 17kg to date and is aiming at a further 3kg.

“Fat Loss attempts” without “Fat Loss Nutrition” are sure to end in certain “Failure,” as are “Muscle Building attempts” without “Muscle Building Nutrition” plans in place. I deal with endless amounts of people who have wasted time, money and effort on fat loss or muscle building targets every week of the year!



A 4 week program that promotes lifestyle change with the balancing of Proteins, Healthy Carbs and Fats and the correct combining and portioning of the food types with every meal for your lean body mass. You select your food types from the preferred lists and I compile every meal for you over each week. Average losses on this plan when combined with the exercise plan are between 4-9Kg.

I have helped many men and women to increase their muscle mass or to lose body fat by adapting their food intake and their training accordingly, without both areas being in place, results are hard to achieve.

Before and after of Aniko. She has lost over 20kg thanks to my nutrition plan.




An online training and nutrition plan that will either prime your body to obliterate stubborn body fat or promote hypertrophy of the muscle mass. Dependant on your target, by feeding your lean body mass with the perfect balance of Proteins, Carbs and Fats you will prime it to burn fat from your fat stores at an incredible rate as you create a fat burning hormonal state within your body or promote growth of your muscle mass.

  • 4 week fully detailed online training plan for Fat Loss or Growth!
  • Minimum of 28 meals per week!
  • Minimum lose of 4kg in a month!
  • 3 hours of training in a week for Fat Loss!


For the disillusioned gym user out there, toiling away without progress. A 4 week online training plan, built around your schedule and your targets that utilises the equipment available to you.

  • 4 week online training plan
  • Built around your own schedule
  • Built around the equipment you have available


For the non gym users out there. A 4 week online training plan, built around your schedule and your targets that utilises mainly bodyweight combinations.

  • 4 week online training plan
  • Built around your own schedule
  • Bodyweight combinations requiring little or no equipment!