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Just Roll with it…

Foam rollers are a great way of providing a self massage or pre-exercise warm up without having to shell out on masseuse fees.


However many of you seem content with having to drive to the masseuse, physio or chiropractor (15-30 minutes), undergo 15-60 minutes of treatment and then shell out anywhere between £50-£120 before driving home! Yet you can’t find time for 20-30 minutes a day on your roller! This simple piece of kit will save you a small fortune every year and a lot of time, keeping your body in check to do the things that you really want to do!

Use your roller regularly to stay injury free and feel supple after your training sessions. Introduce your children to the roller, prolong their fitness and keep them on the sports field.

And if you don’t have one, order one from me today!

Make foam rolling your new year’s resolution.

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